
Helping Calgary’s Vulnerable Communities

By Karen Owen Dec 5, 2022 | 3:37 PM

Ad Farshori in front of the Trellis building in Calgary, November 2022 (Kilian Dellapina, CMRU.CA)

Improving residents’ lives and encouraging communities, that’s the goal of Trellis employee Ad Farshori. Farshori is in charge of developing plans and strategies to give a voice to and empower the residents of Calgary’s vulnerable communities. Ad Farshori hopes to give residents opportunities for leadership and raise concerns or desires about what they would like to see in their communities.

I may lead the conversations but my priority is to have residents make the final decisions.” –Ad Farshori


Farshori helps facilitate various resident-led programs to reach their goal:

  • Communities Overcoming Racism (COR Calgary)

 Having conversations with residents to learn about the racism concerns some individuals may be facing in the community. The residents and Farshori set up a meeting, in which residents share some of the challenges they’re going through. Farshori then asks the residents what they would like the next step to be, so him and the community can then potentially take social action.

  • Community Initiative Group

 Free events organized by residents, Ad Farshori and Trellis gather the community for fun activities like Neighbour Day, live bands, scavenger hunts, etc.

  • Employment and Education Support Groups

Workshops that have various programs meant to support residents in finding jobs, having guest speakers, helping build resumes, etc.

  • Spirit of Greater Forest Lawn Group

Organizing the Leadership Recognition Awards for those that take on the challenge of volunteering in the greater Forest Lawn area.


Find out more about how Ad Farshori dedicates himself to attempting to make communities empowered.


There are many ways you can help Farshori and Trellis achieve their goal of empowering communities.

  • Donate to Trellis society or host a fundraiser.
  • Raise awareness on social media and in your community, that people like Ad Farshori are actively helping Calgarians in need in their communities.

Trellis Society

Find more about what the Trellis Society is and how they help residents of Calgary in the infographics below.

Infographic on the Trellis Society, December 2022 (Kilian Dellapina, CMRU.CA)


Author’s Reflection

Kilian Dellapina talking with Ad Farshori while door knocking, October 2022 (Kilian Dellapina, CMRU.ca)

Working with Ad Farshori was an enriching experience, and taught me a lot about how the residents of various communities in Calgary come together for each other. When I went

door-knocking with Ad Farshori, we came across Aisha Muhieddine, a resident who received lots of help from Ad in the past when she had difficult times. Without knowing who I am, she offered to cook me a meal out of her pure generosity and kindness. Adelaide Acton, a resident, also opened her door for me to film my ’student project. She gave trust in

Interview of Ad Farshori, October 2022 (Kilian Dellapina, CMRU.ca)

someone she didn’t know, by welcoming me into her house, with her family being there, only to help me with my project. It was really heart-warming to see how kind people are. We often only hear the bad stories that come out of vulnerable communities, yet there’s so

much generosity and kindness from many residents in those communities. I hope this project will show people that there are always resources who are there, and good people are always willing to give a hand to those in need.



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